Visits, activities and gastronomy
In Rarécourt
- Visit of the Brasserie de la Vallée where you can taste the Rarécourtoise beer
- Visit of the Rarécourt museum which houses an important collection of faience and pottery from the Argonne within an old fortified house dating from the 17th century
- Saint-Amand church from Rarécourt, church of classical style dating from the 18th century
Near Rarécourt
Sports and green activities
- Hiking paths like the GR14
- River fishing
- Biking (ATV)
- Horse riding
- Visit of picturesques villages with half-timbered houses
- Visit of Beaulieu en Argonne, one of the most beautiful village of the department where you can find a 12th century wine press
- Lac de Madine, a lake which is 40 minutes away from Rarécourt
- L'aquarelle, an aquatic and sports centre
- Accrobranche
Near Rarécourt
The essentials
- The arrest of Louis XVI in Varennes-en-Argonne, you can retrace this event when visiting the city thanks to explanatory signs
- Visit of the Argonne museum which relates the region's history and gives details about this event
- The Vauquois Hill
- Historical monument of the First World War
- Remembrance place of Argonne battles between French and German armies Open to the public and guided visits
- The Ossuary of Douaumont
- Monument honouring French soldiers killed during the battle of Verdun in 1916
- Fort Vaux Observatory built between 1881 and 1884, major place of the battle of Verdun - Verdun memorial
- Verdun memorial Museum which retraces soldiers life during the battle of Verdun
- Valmy. The battle of Valmy opposed the French revolutionnary troups to the Austrian and Prussian monarchic army
Typical products of the region
- Dragée de Verdun (sugared almond), French oldest confectionery
- Gâteau mollet (soft cake)
- Plums pie
- Saint-Menehould pigs feet
- Red currant jam from Bar le Duc hand-seeded with a feather quill
- Mirabelles plums from Lorraine
- The norberte, a small plum typical of Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine regions.
- Mirabelle brandy, apple juice, beer and cider